SKV Melmac is very happy with its sponsors and to thank them extra, they are put in the spotlight on this page. For each sponsor you can read a short summary of what he does. If you want to know more, please click on one of the images; you will then immediately be taken to the sponsor's own website.


Kab Accountants & Tax Advisors

Kab Accountants & Tax Advisors is a full-service office where they use their knowledge and experience where their clients need it. Kab guides entrepreneurs from A to Z and ensures that they achieve the best results. With more than sixty advisors and specialists spread over three locations, good advice is always close by. For more information, see https://www.kabaccountants.nl/

Café Bolle

Café Bolle is the favorite pub of SKV Melmac. After the monthly drinks activity, we will all have a few more beers at Bolle. In addition, Café Bolle offers all kinds of benefits for our members, such as membership cards that give you a 15% discount on beer, wine and soft drinks when shown inside. Bolle also offers the opportunity to eat on the terrace. Ideal if you want to lay a foundation for a night out.


Korfbalshop.nl is the supplier of our competition shirts and our club shop items. In addition to these Melmac items, you can also order all your other korfball supplies on this site, such as shirts, socks, korfball shoes, sports bags and other accessories. Be sure to take a look at the site, because there are often many interesting promotions: https://www.korfbalshop.nl/


GreatPlaceToChange is about making change your own. If your company is going through an IT-related change process, GreatPlaceToChange can provide a helping hand. One of the tools used for this is LEGO Serious Play, a playful way to make complex issues tangible. For more information, see https://greatplacetochange.com/

Ave Guidance

Avé Guidance helps wealthy foundations, institutions and private individuals to arrive at a well-founded assessment of the return achieved, the associated risk, the costs paid and the fit of the chosen investment position with an independent analysis of the development of invested capital. the investment beliefs and financial situation of its clients. With a team of professional specialists, this is done independently, integrally, with integrity and authentically, tailor-made, with the client determining the form. For more information, see https://www.ave-begeleiding.nl/


Very interesting information about korfball is regularly posted on this site. Think of training exercises, the best indoor shoes or the history of the sport. Take a look for inspiration when devising training sessions or if you want to learn more about korfball: https://korfbalinfo.nl/

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